Well quite a lot has happened since my last blog mostly good i have to say so that makes a change!! Firstly i have applied to do an open university course in health care starting in February which i am really looking forward to. I am waiting for some forms to come through to help me with funding it as to do the course is quite expensive, they have also told me that I may be able to get some funding to help with buying a lap top to do all my work on, which would be very handy and would still allow the boys to use this one whenever they like without the worry there going to delete all my work or Ollie wanting to go on the Lego site while I'm trying to get on!! So I was really pleased about that. The next thing Ii was pleased with was that some time ago Ii applied to a charity called the family fund, they are an organisations that has been set up to give grants to families with poorly children to help directly with the child for example they give holidays for the family to help reduce stress and give happy memories or they could help with a new washing machine and tumble drier all sorts of things really. Well the thing that I applied for was driving lessons I really wasn't holding my breath that I would get them but on Monday I got a letter through to check if Ii still wanted them and that if I did to return the form that basically just said that they would be able to provide the lessons but would then not be able to help me for a further two years, which obviously didn't worry me at all as i was just so grateful for that. As it will make things so much more easy for us like when we have all the hospital appointments being able to drive there rather than relying on people to take us or using buses and taxis etc and when I need to pick up repeat prescriptions and then get the medication it will all be so much easier that's assuming i pass my test!! The award consists of 40 hours of lessons 2 attempts at my theory 2 attempts at my practical and all the books etc that i may need to help so i am thrilled and cant wait to get started and am very grateful to them for this.
On another note Charlie doesn't seem so good at the moment. He has seemed like he has been coming down with something for a few weeks but it hasn't come to anything. He is coughing a lot more and his behaviour has got quite bad. He's never been an angel but when I went to collect him from school on Tuesday his leader told me that he has been aggressive to some of the other children and is getting really angry at the smallest things which she has said is really not like him at school. He does have a tendency to get very tetchy when he isn't feeling well or the other thing Ii was thinking was maybe it could be something to do with some of the medication he is on as he is on a high dose steroid. We have tried to reduce the steroid unsuccessfully every time I do this he seems to become poorly then we go back to square one. Well whatever the reason he cant be allowed to behave like that I have spoken to him as much as you can to a almost three year old and think he understands guess I will find out when i go and collect him after lunch so fingers crossed. At home he is always fighting with Olliver and does have a short temper but as I say he has never behaved as badly as this before normally he is just boisterous. We are waiting for the result of a cough swab so hopefully that will tell us something but in the meantime he is on treatment dose antibiotics which will fingers crossed do the trick. Any way that's it for now and I'll leave you with some photos of the boys at a wedding we went to recently looking very smart in their suit. Sorry it's the wrong way round I'm not sure how to change it!!
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